Hello Hello!

DRIFT is thrilled to announce the 6th edition of our festival starting from 22nd Feb till 25th Feb 2024!

While we are hard at prep, we kickstart our fundraiser with this beautiful video! Please watch, donate, share and help us in creating yet another edition of theater festival celebrating the coming together of communities in Dhasa

WHO are we?
d.r.i.f.t – Dharamshala Residential & International Festival for Theatre is an entirely volunteer- run festival. We do not have any corporate or state funding and function uniquely through the generosity of every individual who works on this as well as the wonderful communities who support us every time.



drit bank QR

*please scan using banking app
*only Indian Accounts

WHAT do we do?
Our calendar of activities includes workshops, residencies, outreach programmes, performances and public readings through the year as well a unique biennial theatre festival where all participants live, work, cook and eat together for the duration of the festival as well as participate in the running of the festival.

WHY do we do this?

We do this because we believe in the importance of the arts. Our mission is: to bring people together through theatre, and to make the arts accessible in the Dharamshala region. For many of the children and adults we work with, this is their first experience of the magic of live theatre and the beautiful solidarities that come through engaging with the arts.
These varied opportunities for the local community have already started bearing fruit, with original work being created by upcoming local artists, and artistic ties being forged between people from varied communities and backgrounds. Of course, all of this requires commitment from volunteers and collaborators, but also monetary resources that will allow us to invite artists from around the world, organise the festival and to run our programmes.


WHEN is the festival?
The 6th edition is from 22nd – 25th February 2024 with many exciting shows and workshops.

HOW can you help?
By contributing to the crowdfunding and helping us put this festival together. Please do scan the QR code, contribute to our fundraiser and help us raise money for our festival! And, of course, block your dates in February to come see what we’re all about.

You can donate via bank transfer

Current A/c number: 919020020784325
Axis Bank, Green Park branch
IFSC: UTIB0000015

You can write a cheque in favour of DRIFT TRUST and courier/mail it to us at:

H-6, Bhimnagri Apartments,
Block C-3, SDA, New Delhi – 110016


ड्रिफ़्ट (धर्मशाला रेज़िडेंशियल एंड इंटरनेशनल फ़ेस्टिवल फॉर थिएटर) एक पूरी तरह से वॉलंटियर-रन फ़ेस्टिवल है।

आपके डोनेशन बाहर से आने वाले कलाकारों के आने-जाने, रहने-खाने, किराये एवं फ़ेस्टिवल को चलाने के अन्य खर्चों पे इस्तेमाल किया जाता है। तनख्वा पर एक भी पैसा नहीं जाता क्योंकि इससे जुड़ा हर व्यक्ति एक वॉलंटियर है।


आप हमारे क्राउडफंडिंग में कैसे सहयोग कर सकते हैं?

हमें डोनेशन देके, इस फ़िल्म को अपने दोस्तों और परिवार वालों के साथ साँझा करके, सोशल मीडिया पे हमारे बारे में लोगों को जानकारी देके और हमारे फ़ेस्टिवल में आके।


कहाँ: क्लबहाउस, मैक्लियोडांज, धर्मशाला , भारत

कब: २२-२५ फरवरी, २०२४

हमने अर्जेंटीना, बेंगलुरु, दिल्ली, हिमाचल प्रदेश, मणिपुर, मेक्सिको, मुंबई, पॉण्डिचेरी, साउथ कोरिया, सिंगापुर, तमिल नाडु और तिब्बती कलाकारों को होस्ट किया है!

हर फ़ेस्टिवल लगभग १००० दर्शक आतें हैं।

हमारे टिकट की क़ीमत रू ५०/- से शुरू होती है और स्लाइडिंग स्केल पे रू ३००/- तक जाती है, ताकि ये सबके लिए किफ़ायती हो।

आप सबके सपोर्ट के लिए हम आपके आभारी हैं।


*सिर्फ़ भारतीय खातें